We fit into your apartment management ...

... by protection

  • Better conservation of the packaged and transported materials than with other  alternatives
  • It does not lose its shape easily and withstands lateral blows or bangs
  • Lower risk in the purchase decision. Our packaging guarantees your product will reach your customer in the same state it was dispatched
  • Peace of mind and safety regarding your dispatches

... by service

  • Great speed in the delivery of both standard and customised models due to the automation in our company. ClipAvant standards take from 2 to 5 working days. ClipBasic ones take from 6 to 10 working days. The delivery is analysed for customised models according to the requirements of the customer
  • The customer has the safety of relying on our free customer attention technical service (via email, telephone or personal attention) at any time of the day
  • Advice by packaging engineers
  • Damaged part replacement service
  • Our products and services are guaranteed by our experience of over 70 years collaborating with the industry

... by price

  • The ClipAvant Box offers the best value for money in the market, with an approximate difference of only 15% when compared with traditional wooden packaging (depending on the measurements), a very small percentage taking into account the advantages and benefits it provides being a value added packaging
  • The ClipBasic Box is one of the cheapest packages in the market, with all the characteristic advantages of the Clipping Crate

... by tidy

  • It conveys an image of a good organisation at work when large disassembled amounts are seen
  • It does not flood the shipment area in the way assembled conventional packaging does
  • Cleanliness: does not generate waste (splinters, edge remains, etc.)

... by autonomy

  • Immediate availability for emergencies without requiring intermediaries for its assembly and closure
  • Independence regarding the packaging supplier and when awaiting the transporter
  • An immediate solution for possible emergencies customers may face

... by innovation

  • Clearly differentiated image from that of the competition
  • Innovative aspect, giving the company an image of dynamism, development and adaptation to changes
  • Encourages a positive perception by the customer: if the wrapping is optimal, that inside will be even better
  • It proves a commitment to the Environment. It creates an image that can be used for communication and advertising campaigns, aiding your differentiation from the competition
  • Improves the personal image and professional growth, giving prestige to the product

... by exportable

  • NIMF15 seal: essential for exports (not complicating exports)
  • Valid both for national and international movements, in this way minimising geographical limitations with regard to winning over customers: the Clipping Crate can transport your products anywhere in the world
  • Ideal for movements by companies with branches in several countries and/or places
  • Independence of the company in its international dispatches

... by money savings in transport

  • Transport savings (weight approximately 40% lower than conventional packaging)
  • Less fuel consumption during transport

... by time savings due to it lightness

  • A lot of time is saved in movements as it occupies much less space when disassembled
  • Workers will save a lot of time and energy in its handling due to its lightness

... by other time savings

  • In the case of the ClipAvant box in its reuse, the purchase department saves time with suppliers (being reusable it purchases every x months) which it can employ for other tasks
  • Time savings for in-store movements
  • Standard models optimise all the logistics management: no worries regarding measurement calculation as they are predetermined

... by other savings

  • Storage cost savings: optimising storage space
  • Standard models optimise logistics and storage costs
  • No waste produced if reused, therefore saving in collection and waste dump costs
  • As any side can be disassembled, lifting the load over worker is avoided. This encourages safety for operatives and their comfort in the workplace, favouring a better performance and speed: time is saved

... by ergonomic

  • Greater productivity in the packaging and shipping process
  • As any side can be disassembled, lifting the load over worker is avoided. This encourages safety for operatives and their comfort in the workplace, favouring a better performance and speed
  • Law on Occupational Risk Prevention: less sick leaves due to a better risk management
  • Greater commitment to the health and safety of workers

... by recoverable - reusable

  • Long lasting = cost savings
  • Does not generate waste at the customer’s home
  • You may also encourage savings for your final customer, simply by stimulating its return by means of prizes or by discounts from this
  • It proves a commitment to the Environment. It creates an image that can be used for communication and advertising campaigns, aiding your differentiation from the competition
  • Collaboration with your customer for box returns: tightening bonds with your customer
  • The return or recovery of the ClipAvant Box leads it to be considered an investment, not an expense
  • Once disassembled, the actual staples close the package without requiring strapping. It is easier, clean and economic

... by dismountable

  • Space savings in your installations and in its transport. In the latter, the great savings regarding costs will allow you to return the ClipAvant
  • It enables stocking-up high volumes when boxes are disassembled
  • Convenient handling as they are separate parts (bearing 1/6 of the load)
  • Easier loading (convenient handling)
  • Transmits an image of good work organisation

... by normalizada

  • Simpler storage structures

... by stackable

  • Being stackable it optimises space savings in the store when assembled
  • Greater tidiness and compliance with the 5S or the EFQM