the company

NIMF-15/ISPM-15 certificate


100% of the wood purchases made by Encaja Embalajes & Trading for its products are from suppliers with the NIMF-15 or ISPM-15 international certificate.

The NIMF-15 or ISPM-1 International Phytosanitary Measure was created by the FAO and is devised to regulate wooden packaging used for external trade.

This Measure describes the phytosanitary steps to reduce risk of introducing and disseminating forest plagues and diseases in countries.

The signatory countries of the NIMF-15 or ISPM-15 have the right to refuse the entry of goods, on pallets and in boxes and packaging out of wood not treated, marked or certified in accordance with its regulations, past their frontiers.

The European Union has included the NIMF-15 or ISPM-15 phytosanitary treatment in the community legislation by modifying Directive 2000/29/EC, which came into force on 1st March 2005.

With all this, the application of this Measure to the raw materials of our company guarantees our packaging is totally innocuous.

Extended documentation:

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